Information for our valued USA customers

We are happy to inform you that starting from today we have a partner in USA, that is very reliable and trustworthy, has good EUC stock and has great prices.
So, if you are from USA don’t hesitate to ask us and we will update you on the current US stock situation and latest pricing. Prices in USA are actually much better then in Europe.
Some examples:
Inmotion V8F – 999$
Inmotion V10F – 1449$
Inmotion V11 – 1999$
Kingsong 18XL – 1899$
Kingsong S18 – 1799$
At the moment US stock has Inmotion and Kingsong wheels. If there will be more brands coming – we will keep you informed.
And as always – any questions, don’t hesitate to contact us
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